InvestIN delivers immersive career experiences for school students who aspire to break into some of the world’s most competitive and desirable industries.
Over 18 different careers to choose from
Ages: 12 to 18
Location: London, UK
Duration: 10 - 15 days
Minimum group size: 10
The InvestIN experiences were designed to help students aged 12-18 choose the right career for them and maximise their potential through interactive simulations, site visits, seminars, networking sessions and career coaching. We offer experiences in 18 different careers, from medicine, engineering, investment banking and psychology.
What is InvestIN?
What can I expect?
The programs provide students with the
ultimate experience of their dream career.
Hands-on simulations and exposure to a range of professionals give students a chance to immerse themselves in their chosen field, an opportunity not usually available before they leave school.
Some of the EXCEPTIONAL experiences
Who do I learn from?
Industry experts from leading organisations and firms get hired to coach you, so that you can truly envisage a day in the life of your dream profession and get all your burning questions answered by those who live and breathe the career.
Some of the world-class companies students get experience with
Why should I attend?
Acquire a 360-degree insight into your chosen career and hands-on industry experience from top professionals and executives.
Acquire key transferable and professional skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, communication, time management and organisation.
Receive a student certificate and personalised reference letter to include in your university applications (worldwide)
Receive industry-specific career coaching on the science of breaking into the most desirable jobs, all the way from subject and university choices, to interviews, applications, and assessment centres.
Meet high-ranking professionals and like-minded students from around the world and start building your network.
Benefit from a year’s access to the InvestIN online careers’ platform, AmbitionX, where you can continue developing your employability skills through webinars, panel discussions and career coaching workshops.